Saturday, August 8, 2015

Summer blog post #4

Out of the choices on the list I choose An Abundance of Katherine’s because when I saw it was by John Green so I already knew it would be a good book. I knew that because I have read his other books before and I loved them.  What drew my attention to this book is when I read the summary of the book. It got me thinking a lot. Especially when it said that Colin has dated 19 girls with only the name Katherine, it got me interested to read more about how that happened. I never had any connections with myself and the book after reading. But that didn’t stop me from liking the book because it was fun to learn how it feels to do the stuff they did. I would recommend this book to girls in high school. That is because the book talks a lot about love and getting dumped and how it feels and getting another boyfriend/ girlfriend. So I think high school girls will relate to this the most because that’s the year’s girls start dating a lot more. But I think some guys would also enjoy it because it is in Colin’s perspective of getting dumped and what he does cause of it.

Summer blog post #3

A quote that shows how the author hooked the reader is "It's funny how they thought we were dating," Colin said, glancing over her. "How’s that funny?" she asked, holding his gaze. "Um," he said. Distracted from the road, Colin watched as she gave him the slightest version if her inimitable smile." (John Green pg.127). That quote is a great example of hooking potential readers. It makes you want to keep reading because it’s a shocking moment. That is because you really want to find out in the future what happens between Lindsey and Colin. Second Lindsey has a boyfriend so for her to say that it’s not funny that someone said they are dating, means that she would date Colin. Third is that it’s at the end of the chapter, so if you have to go do something else, the sentence will keep you in suspense so then you will want to know what happens next so you keep reading. Another reason that this quote hook’s readers, is that it’s a shocking moment in the book because you weren’t expecting Lindsey to say that since she already has a boyfriend. It’s an unexpected twist at the end of the chapter.

Friday, August 7, 2015

Summer blog post #2

The characters are very different what they want to accomplish in the book. Colin Singleton Desiri's to finish his theorem by the end of his trip with Hassan in Gut Shot. He wants to make a formula that will predict the future of any relationship with the help of Lindsey. But that's not Lindsey's number one priority. All she wants is that everyone in Gut Shot has a happy life and not let them loose there home because her mom (Hollis Wells) is working the factories that runs the town. Hollis has one thing on her mind. That is to keep the factory in business. The whole town is counting on her to keep the town running. Hassan is there to help Collin get his mind straight from getting dumped by yet another Katherine. 19 and counting.
The theme of An Ambundance of Katherines by John Green is love is so powerful it will trap you but you have to break free and not look back. 
The book was structured not like any other book I have read. After every chapter the author would have a memory of one of Colin's ex girlfriends related to the chapter. Also at the bottom of the page, if there was a hard word that someone didn't know the author would put the definition. Eventually all the characters got what the wished for and Colin braked free from his trap and didn't look back.

Friday, July 31, 2015

Summer blog post #1

For summer reading, I read the book An Abundance of Katherine's by John Green. The characters that play a major roll in the book are Collin Singleton, Hassan Harbish, Lindsey Lee Wells, and Hollis Wells. Collin and hassan decided to take a road trip to no where in particular until they decide to see the grave of the Archduke Franz Frediand in a small town called Gutshot, Tennessee. That's where they meet Lindsey and Hollis and decided to stay and get a job with Lindsey. The major conflict that happened is when Lindsey discovered that her best friend has been cheating on Lindsey's boyfriend for a long time. I predict that Collin and Lindsey will eventually start dating because they have a lot in common and came really close friends while they got to know each other. I also have a lot of questions like Why didn't Lindsey get the hint quicker that Collin didn't like her dating another guy and not him? Why did Collin only date girls with the name Katherine? Was Collin's memory exactly what actually happened back then? Why does he forget he dumped Katherine-3? This book doesn't have any other things to relate to it because is such a unique book.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Final blog post

I picked this picture because reading is like nails on a chalkboard, I dislike it. I don't know why exactly i don't like it. But i think one reason that i don't read is because i don't have time to. I can get in a book really good but then i never find time to actually finish it. plus if i leave a book for more than a week i will probably forget about it, and not come back to it until weeks later. I actually really wished i liked reading. I always try every year to get into a book but it never really works. Another reason i dislike reading is because it hurts my head to read, for a long period of time.

The best part about blogging is that we had plenty of time to get it done and we had time to read. we actually got time to write about something else not just the same thing as last time. I also liked how we could write what as on our mind about our books. But Adding prompts what to write here and there was also nice. I didn't like how it took me a very long time to set up my blog. It also didn't work at home which was very frustrating but it eventually worked. I think in the next few years teachers should make kids blog because to me it relaxes me. 

Freshman year was one of the best years i have ever had. I wish it couldn't end but that end is almost here. I've had the best teachers of all time. I have learned a lot from this year but it defiantly was worth the ride. Making the mason softball team was also a very great memorial thing that happened to me this year. Grades. oh grades. They can go up and down very quickly and easily just like that. But I had to learn my lesson some how. But i did very quickly. Even though all the upper class-men hated us that didn't stop anything. It was really cool to have older people in our class, not just our grade that we've been stuck with for 9 years now almost. I hope my sophomore is just as amazing. 

Monday, April 20, 2015

Something to remember for Thanksgiving. By: Mary Schmich

The writer wants the reader to feel emotional kinda. Or kind of touched when reading the column. The writer wants the audience to remember that money can't make everyone happy. By that I mean the story based on how her father giving her money but after what he said she realized his character was the more important part. The purpose of this column is to let the readers look at things differently with money. To let them think a little more when they ask for more money. The author utilizes diction and syntax methods effectively to support writers message by having the girl talk then it says her thoughts and then what else happened and then her thoughts. Which got the reader to think more and understand more what the moral of the story is. The value is huge in this society today. I think that because all kids want today is money to go buy electronics but are missing what our parents do for us everyday to keep a roof over our heads. It sends us a big message to society that our society needs to be reminded of that it's not just about the money but what comes from the money to earn it and think a little more about how great your life can be even though your "poor". 

Monday, April 6, 2015

I'm really close done reading the boo  Don't Turn Around. I only have 50 pages left. im really excited to finish and find out what happens at the end because this book has been a great page turner. I want to read the next book in the series because there is proabaly going to be something at the end that happens and it dosnt tell you the rest so then you would want to read the next book.

This book would be great for people that are more into technology related situations.
like hacking into the computers and getting caught. and running away from home. and staying in different friends houses. So i would recommend this book to boys and girls.